Monday, April 14, 2014





私は台湾人ですが、私も中国人です。中華民族の歴史、文化や価値観を忘れてはいけません。私たちは、「台湾独立」の動きと北京当局の共産専制に反対します。ある日、中華民国が統一できることを願っています。 中国のすべでに、自由と民主主義と進歩があります。これは「台湾経験」の値だと思います。 



Tuesday, March 4, 2014



台北の国立故宮博物院は貴重中国のアートワークの大規模なコレクションに家である。博物館は台湾への国際的な訪問者のための素晴らしい場所です。 2012年には4千4百万人の訪問者は博物館に行ってきました。ほぼ70万秦と漢王朝から成果物だけでなく、明·清王朝のコレクションがあります。


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

About Communication

In the First Year Japanese course, students are required to work in groups to complete a video podcast on a topic of their interest. Through this project, I hope to apply the Japanese language skills and cultural contexts learned thus far in the year in the visual presentation of content. This project is particularly meaningful because it encourages students to combine our creative, planning, and presentation skills in constructing a short video. We will be able to use and interact with the Japanese language to exchange our views, thoughts, and opinions with larger Japanese audiences. This will provide a solid foundation for improving our future Japanese oral and written communication.

In its common sense, communication involves the process of sharing ideas and messages with others in a particular time and place. In addition to writing and talking, communication can also include nonverbal forms such as facial expressions, body language, or gestures and visual expressions like images or pictures, art, photography, and video. In the past century, improvements in technology has permitted society to engage in communication in more electronic and digital forms, such as via the telephone, electronic mail, and television broadcasts. Communication is a vital part of personal life and is also important in business, education, and many social situations. I eagerly look forward to taking advantage of this podcast assignment opportunity to not only have fun but also further my understanding of Japanese language and culture.

Monday, February 10, 2014


私は、政治と経済の発展に従うのが好きです。 私は「The New York Times」や「The Wall Street Journal」新聞と「The Economist」雑誌を読みます。私も台湾から中国語の出版物をたくさん読みます。

私は本を読むのが好きです。私のお気に入りのいくつかは、Kennedyの「Profiles in Courage」、Malkielの「A Random Walk Down Wall Street」、羅貫中の「三国志」、Fitzgeraldの「The Great Gatsby」である。


Monday, February 3, 2014


